
Search results 86 to 90 from a total of 135

G20-Finance Track Conference Afrika and digital transformation

January 25, 2017 - Financial inclusion is a huge opportunity for Africa and one of the top issues of Germany’s G20 Presidency, stressed Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble … more

Meeting of G20 agriculture ministers Agriculture as basis for global peace

January 23, 2017 - The G20 agriculture ministers have agreed on an action plan on the sustainable use of water resources. Their meeting on Sunday in Berlin marked the start of … more

International Green Week Berlin Focus on Agriculture and Nutrition

January 20, 2017 - "Good nutrition, strong agriculture and attractive rural areas" – those were the three elements emphasised by Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture Christian … more

G20 Presidency Addressing digitalisation at global level

January 12, 2017 - Under Germany’s Presidency, the G20 intends to focus more on the digital transformation, in order to make economies around the world fit for the future. The … more

T20 meeting German sherpa presents agenda

December 14, 2016 - The German government's sherpa, Lars-Hendrik Röller, explained the current G20 agenda not "in a nutshell" but "as a whole" at the first international T20 … more