
Accreditation / Pools

Information on accreditation for media representatives

Media representatives will be able to register online for the G20 Summit at www.akkreditierung.bundesregierung.de.

Accreditation Office

Press and Visitor Centre
Reichstagufer 14
10117 Berlin


Margret Schüddekopf
Claudia Hackstein
Kerstin Hoffmann
Monika Richter

Tel.: +49 (0) 30-18272- 1601, -1602, -4163 or -2171

Mail: akkreditierung[at]bpa.bund.de

You will find more information on the provisional press programme on our website www.cvd.bundesregierung.de where you can also apply for a place at the restricted access photo and press sessions. If you have not yet registered on this website, click here.

Information for the press

A variety of press opportunities will be provided in the course of the G20 Summit.

Given the strong media interest in the Summit and limited space available, access to a number of photo opportunities will be possible for a limited number of journalists only. Preference will be given to photo/video/tv journalists from the participating states.

All limited-access photo opportunities will be covered by host broadcasters and official photographers. Photos will be made available on the German G20 Presidency website.

Journalists who are not selected to take part in limited-access photo opportunities will be able to follow the event in question via CCTV in the Press Center.

Requests to take part in limited-access photo opportunities

Journalists from the various participating states must submit requests to take part in limited-access photo opportunities to their national press delegations.

German photo/video/tv journalists wanting to take part in limited-access photo opportunities can submit their requests by e-mail to medienbetreuung[at]bpa.bund.de following publication of the detailed press programme. They are asked to indicate who they work for and which photo opportunities they want to take part in.

Photo/video/tv journalists are asked to keep in mind that some photo opportunities may be mutually exclusive. Requests will be answered shortly before the Summit. Submitting a request does not imply entitlement to be selected for a photo opportunity.

World feed and stand-ups

Due to spatial and security restrictions, the public service and private TV broadcasters in Germany are currently reaching agreement on providing a world feed (host broadcaster) based on the "Berlin model". Contact for TV and Radio teams: tv[at]bpa.bund.de