German G20 Presidency
G20 specialised ministers meetings
For more than eight years now, meetings have been held at the level of heads of state and government within the G20. Previously, the finance ministers and central bank governors of the G20 had already been meeting regularly since 1999. With the international financial crisis in 2009, meetings were established at the level of heads of state and government - combined with a broadening of the agenda to include more than financial and economic policy aspects.
Photo: Bundesregierung/Denzel
Ministerial meetings important part of G20
In the eyes of the public, the G20 presidency is often equated with the summit of heads of state and government. However, much of what is discussed and approved there is worked out long beforehand.
A particularly important contribution to this work is made by the numerous meetings of the specialised ministers in the run-up to the G20 summit. At these meetings, individual G20 topics are dealt with in depth. For example, the G20 finance ministers meet several times during a year. In addition, the ministers in charge of foreign affairs, labour, health, agriculture and digitisation will hold meetings during the German G20 presidency.
The place and time for the planned specialised ministers’ meetings have already been established.
Overview of the G20 specialised ministers' meetings:
• Meeting of G20 agriculture ministers on 22 January 2017 in Berlin
• Meeting of G20 foreign ministers on 16 and 17 February 2017 in Bonn
• Meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors from 17 to 18 March 2017 in Baden-Baden
• Meeting of G20 ministers in charge of digitisation on 6 and 7 April 2017 in Düsseldorf
• Meeting of G20 labour ministers on 18 and 19 May 2017 in Bad Neuenahr
• Meeting of G20 health ministers on 19 and 20 May 2017 in Berlin