Country profile
General information
Flagge von Norwegen /Flag of Norway
Photo: Bundesregierung
Norway (the Kingdom of Norway) is a country in northern Europe.
It is situated on the Scandinavian Peninsula and borders Sweden to the east and Finland and Russia to the north-east. The Norwegian Exclusive Economic Zone borders Denmark to the south in the North Sea and the United Kingdom (Scotland) to the west.
Norway has a population of some 5.24 million (as at July 2016) on a landmass of 385,186 square kilometres. Oslo, the capital of Norway, has a population of 658,000.
The official language is Norwegian (written standards: Bokmål and Nynorsk). Sami is also an official language in some municipalities in the administrative districts of Troms, Finnmark, Nordland and Nord-Trøndelag.
Economic data
Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, based on purchasing power parity (PPP): USD 69,249
Nominal GDP: USD 370 billion
Real change in GDP between 2010 and 2015: 9.6%
Gross national debt as a percentage of GDP: 33.2%
Percentage of women (aged 15–64) in gainful employment: 73.0%
Youth unemployment rate (15–24 year-olds): 9.9%
The national currency is the Norwegian krone (NOK)/exchange rate: 1 EUR = 9.3394 NOK (as at May 2017)
Additional information