Country profile
General information
Flagge von Indonesien /Flag of Indonesia
Photo: Bundesregierung
Indonesia (the Republic of Indonesia) is the world’s largest archipelago state. Its population of around 250 million, makes it the planet’s fourth most populous country. Indonesia is home to more than 30 larger ethnic groups, the largest of which has Malay roots. Another 4 million or so Indonesians have Chinese roots, and others still have an Indian, Arab or Melanesian background.
The country has a landmass of 2.02 million square metres and comprises 17,508 islands.
The capital city is Jakarta. Around 30 million people live in the Greater Jakarta area.
The official language is Indonesian.
Economic data
Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, based on purchasing power parity (PPP): USD 11,149
Real change in GDP between 2010 and 2015: 30.8 %
Gross national debt as percentage of GDP: 27 %
Percentage of women (aged 15-64) in gainful employment: 45.8 %
Youth unemployment rate (15-24 year-olds): 19.3 %
National currency: Indonesian rupiah (IDR) / Rate of exchange: EUR 1 = IDR 14,307.650 (as at November 2016)
Additional information
Country information from the Federal Foreign Office
Website of the Indonesian Parliament