Think20 Dialogue Forum
Solving global challenges
Climate, food and sustainability are just three of the many topics addressed as part of the Think20 Dialogue Forum. At the Think20 Summit GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, research institutes and think tanks from the G20 countries will develop recommendations for solving global challenges that will be passed on to G20 leaders. The event will be streamed live at
Photo: picture alliance/S. Schittek
A broad range of topics will be addressed as part of the T20 Dialogue Forum on 29 and 30 May: The Agenda 2030, climate policy, global inequality, forced migration, global cooperation on tax policy, putting an end to hunger, sustainable agriculture, trade and investments, financial robustness and the digital economy. Participants from a network of research institutes and think tanks from the G20 countries will discuss and adopt recommendations that will be incorporated into preparations for the G20 Summit in Hamburg on 7 and 8 July.
On behalf of academics, politicians and experts from the G20 countries, the President of the German Development Institute, Prof. Dirk Messner, and the President of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Prof. Dennis J. Snower, will hand these recommendations to Peter Altmaier, Head of the Federal Chancellery.
Think20 is one of the seven strands of the G20 dialogue with civil society representatives (Civil20, Business20, Women20, Labour20, Science20 and Youth20) that the Federal Government launched as part of Germany's G20 Presidency. The Think20 Summit takes place in Berlin on 29 and 30 May and will be streamed live at
Friday, 26 May 2017