Country portrait
Viet Nam
General information
Flagge von Vietnam / Flag of Viet Nam
Photo: Bundesregierung
Viet Nam (the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam) is an elongated coastal state in Southeast Asia bordered by China, Laos, Cambodia, the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea.
The Prime Minister of Viet Nam, Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, is President of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in 2017. APEC is an international organisation comprising 21 Asian states.
Viet Nam has a population of some 92 million (as at February 2017) on a landmass of 3,321,800 square kilometres. Around 10 million of the population belong to one of 54 ethnic minority groups, which include the Hmong people, the Khmer people, Thai and Chinese. The capital city of Hanoi has a population of some 7.6 million.
The official language is Vietnamese.
Economic data
Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, based on purchasing power parity (PPP): USD 6,429
Nominal GDP: USD 201 billion
Real change in GDP between 2010 and 2015: 41.6%
Gross national debt as a percentage of GDP: 62.4%
Percentage of women (aged 15–64) in gainful employment: 77.3%
Youth unemployment rate (15–24 year-olds): 7.0%
The national currency is the Dong (VND)/exchange rate: 1 EUR = 24,704.9406 Dong
Additional information